2025 Convention

Friday, March 14 to Sunday, March 16, 2025

Doubletree / Windham Hotel, located at 1100 Crocker Rd, Westlake, OH 44145 (440) 871-6000

Call to ConventionConvention registration formConvention Invite LetterConvention Delegate formConvention Schedule

Convention Sponsorship form (due March 1) — Necrology Report

Agenda – Business Meeting https://ohiolionsoh2.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/OH2-Cab-Mtg-Mar-15-2025.pdf

Ready for a Duck Race???

Candidate letters: 2nd Vice District Governor — 1st Vice District Governor — District Governor

District Policy Manual Changes to be approved at the convention: TBA

International Guest

Past International Director

Diane Pitts

Dr. Dianne J. Pitts, from Chappells, South Carolina, USA was elected to serve a two-year term as international director of Lions Clubs International from July 2021 to June 2023. Director Pitts travels with her husband, Dr. Joe Pitts, a 50-year Lion and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

Director Pitts was an educator for 28 years and has twice received recognition as District Teacher of the Year. She is a contributing author to two textbooks and the published author of a three-volume Bible study for middle schoolers. She now uses her knowledge and experience to help Lions as well as other non-profit and charitable organizations with grant writing and presentations.

She first joined as member of the Gaffney Lions Club in 1994. And since 2010, has served with the Greenwood Lions Club. She has held a number of offices with the association including district governor, district Lions Quest chairperson, multiple district council chairperson and multiple district LCIF Campaign 100 chairperson. She has also served as faculty for multiple Lions Leadership Institutes and learning programs as well as webinars.

In recognition of her service, she has received numerous awards including several International President’s Awards and International President’s Certificates of Appreciation. Director Pitts is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. She has also been recognized as a Progressive Dr. Franklin G. Mason Fellow.

In addition to her Lions activities, Director Pitts is active in numerous civic and professional organizations including the South Carolina Education Association and the Nation Educational Association. She is also co-director for her local soup kitchen.