Congratulations DG Patty Moorman!  

Governor Patty took her oath and officially donned her Governor’s role at the International Convention in Melbourne. Her directory is now posted on this site, under the District-> directory tab at the top. For a successful Lion’s year, here are DG Patty’s goals. As we set our club goals and projects for the year, let’s work together to reach these!

  1. Continue 100% reporting status by each club reporting all of their service projects and membership changes every month on the new Lion Portal.
  2. Clubs will complete a minimum of 2 service projects, choosing from the 5 causes: Hunger, Diabetes, Vision, Environment, or Pediatric Cancer.
  3. Start a minimum of two new Leo clubs, two Cub programs, two branch clubs and one specialty club.
  4. Achieve positive membership growth by not only forming new clubs, but by implementing membership orientation, mentoring and retention programs.
  5. OH2 clubs will be encouraged to cross community borders, being a host to another club, to enjoy Fun and Fellowship, and share and plan ideas for service.

Lions Recruiter’s Passport – for all members!

“Why do I serve? Here are two ways I make a difference in the lives of others.”

The new MD13 Lions Passport is designed to get our members more confident with their “Lions Story”. Use the passport with your club to remind veteran members of why they continue in their service. Use it with new members to help them create their story, and to know their importance in the club.

See your zone chairman or the district officers for copies for your club!

Welcome to the Lion Portal

For more (and updated) information, visit: – Lion Portal

For informational videos about using the Lion Portal, visit:


Share What We Do As Lions!!

The Ohio Lions have been creating short social-media-ready videos to be used for promoting Lions in our communities. The most effective way we have to share who we are is for our Lions and Clubs to share these videos with their friends and communities. 

Check out the videos to share on our Ohio Lions Media playlist! Ohio Lions playlist

Combatting Diabetes

Looking for ways to help fight the diabetes epidemic?  Get involved with…

Guiding Lions

This is an ALL CALL!  District OH2 needs GUIDING LIONS! 

See Lion Ann Miller for information on how to certify as a Guiding Lion. This certification is highly recommended for all Zone Chairpersons and Region Chairpersons, even if you do not intend to mentor a new club. The information covered is useful in zone leadership.

Click on the tab at the top of the page or this section title for the necessary resources.  OH2 is working to host a training session and certify new Guiding Lions this coming year.  Watch the newsletter for more information.

Service Resources

Check out these links: