Club Resources

Links to Tools for Lions Clubs

2023-2024 Leo Service Report Form [Online Google Form]

2023-2024 Club Excellence Award (signed by Governor & due August 31, 2024) Click here

Club Compliance Report 

    • Compliance Report form (pdf format) [Word format]   please send to CC Kevin Reidy by November 15, 2024
    • Compliance Links (scroll down to Legal Considerations and Procedures)
    • Lions Compliance check, Attorney General site, IRS returns, Lions and IRS Reinstatement, Incorporation, Sales Tax, 501c4 IRS Determination Letter, etc.

District Contest Forms

        • Governor Excellence, Service and Humanitarian Awards 2024-2025 [pdf format] [Word format]
          • please send to PDG Pete and Lion Mona DiCesare by February 28, 2025
    • Service Award 2024-2025 [pdf format] [Word format]
      • please send to GST Debbie Reidy  by February 28, 2025
    • 100% Secretary Award 2024-2025 [pdf format] [Word format]
      • Presidents should mail these to your Zone Chair by June 15, 2025

Necrology_Form 2024-2025 [pdf format]  [Word formatplease send to the First Vice District Governor

District OH2 expense voucher (for district reimbursements)  [pdf format] [Word format]

Zone Oral Report Form (docx) [print, download, or”Make a Copy”] [pdf]

General Club Resources CLICK HERE




Club President / 1st Vice President

Club Secretary

Club Treasurer 

Club Membership Chairperson

Club Service Chairperson 

Zone Chairperson 

Revised Vision Clinic Referral Form (PDF) CLICK HERE

Revised Vision Clinic Referral Form (Word) CLICK HERE